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In the PRC, the successful restoration of the Ma’anshan and Zhihui mining pits showcases innovative business models.
The secondary education sector can benefit from government support for private schools and vocational schools.
Leverage machine learning and satellite imagery for informed resource allocation to enhance road quality and address development challenges.
This tool enables policy makers to make more informed decisions about VAT exemptions and zero-ratings.
Water utilities in many cities in the People’s Republic of China may have achieved high level of cost recovery because of increased tariffs.
A better understanding of environmental standards—their differences and implications—can help developing countries better safeguard the environment.
Strengthening the capacity of the new lake authority was a critical success factor in implementing an integrated lake basin management project.
Size the BESS correctly, list the performance requirements in the tender document, and develop operational guidelines and pricing policy.
In the People’s Republic of China, an environmental education program instills in students and their families a love for their hometown and nature.
Approaches rooted in heritage make evident contributions to Sustainable Development Goals.