
Water utilities in many cities in the People’s Republic of China may have achieved high level of cost recovery because of increased tariffs.


A better understanding of environmental standards—their differences and implications—can help developing countries better safeguard the environment.

Case Study

Strengthening the capacity of the new lake authority was a critical success factor in implementing an integrated lake basin management project.


Size the BESS correctly, list the performance requirements in the tender document, and develop operational guidelines and pricing policy.

Case Study

In the People’s Republic of China, an environmental education program instills in students and their families a love for their hometown and nature.

Case Study

An integrated approach to sustainable and inclusive development helps an oasis city in the People’s Republic of China overcome environmental challenges.


Experience from two projects shows digital tools for database management help ensure a fair and transparent process and efficient resource allocation.


Energy master planning is key to preparing bankable projects that improve municipal heating, lower costs, and help achieve environmental goals.