
The experience of a water utility in Manila shows that dividing a large network into smaller zones improves leak detection and distribution efficiency.


A toolkit from the Asian Development Bank provides a step-by-step guide on how to create and implement a national emissions trading system.


A step-by-step guide explains the rationalization process and the key considerations and analytical requirements of each stage.


Analogous with the gradually increasing global temperature, a gradually increasing carbon tax will over time alter and transform the economics of energy use.

Case Study

De-risking investments in high-impact, green technologies enabled the large-scale demonstration of energy-efficient production and emission reduction retrofits.

Case Study

Innovative and sustained support for Grameen-style lending expanded financial services for underserved groups, including women.

Case Study

Huangshi in the People’s Republic of China is a model of systematic pollution control and ecological rehabilitation of lakes in small and medium-sized cities.