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Tax expenditure estimation is an important analytical tool in supporting tax policy formulation.
Proactive integrity checks can improve public trust in law enforcement agencies and advance societal development.
Valuing GEP and implementing ecological compensation mechanism can enhance the sustainable finance mechanism of desert ecosystem restoration.
Institutionalizing gender-responsive public financial management can boost budget inclusiveness and promote evidence-based policies.
Initiatives should start by focusing on building awareness on the importance of oceans and coastal habitat.
Environmentally friendly and climate-resilient solutions help develop green and sustainable small and medium-sized cities in the PRC.
By leveraging private sector expertise, resources, and innovation, PPPs can help ensure cost-effective healthcare delivery.
Tax reforms aimed at a 10% reduction in smoking prevalence could reduce the population of smokers by 38.7 million and prevent 11.6 million premature deaths.
Addressing weaknesses in procurement, contract and asset management, and financial management ensures better project management and implementation.
Bioplastics industry development hinges on strategic direction and vision, environmental sustainability, and better waste management.