Online Communities

Work together to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Join our online communities to ask questions, share lessons, and
Find Solutions Together – anytime, anywhere.

ADB Education

This LinkedIn community believes in collaboration and sharing solutions to development problems in the field of education. The group is managed by ADB’s Human and Social Development Sector Office.

Asia Clean Energy Forum

The Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF) is one of the largest international events covering key aspects of clean energy promotion in Asia. Connect to clean energy professionals, decision makers, investors, businesses, and experts from Asia and around the globe. ACEF organizers are the moderators of this LinkedIn group.

Asia Leadership Program

Join a community of leaders who participated in the Asia Leadership Program, which aimed to produce a critical mass of change agents among policymakers and practitioners in the Asian Development Bank’s client countries. Please email to be added as a member.

Asia-Pacific Social Protection Online Community

The community is the first regional platform dedicated to bringing together social protection practitioners, experts, and advocates in Asia and the Pacific to discuss issues of relevance to the community. It serves as a common virtual space to share best practices and challenges; update members on the latest social protection news and events; and share country examples and research. It is co-managed by ADB's Human and Social Development Sector Office and the United Nations Development Programme via the platform.

Audit without Walls

ADB’s Office of the Auditor General created this online community to enable internal auditors in the public sector to ask questions, share knowledge, and learn ideas about internal audit.

Chief Sustainability Officers Network

Network with other professionals on LinkedIn who share the passion and drive to make a difference for their organizations by driving the triple bottom line—people, profit, and planet. Interact with individuals who are heading their organization's sustainability efforts or who are interested in becoming the sustainability lead in the future.

Cities Today

Explore the latest trends, interviews, and in-depth studies in the area of sustainable urban development in this LinkedIn community moderated by the Cities Today news platform.

Cities, Urban Management, and Ecosystem Services

This LinkedIn community aims to become a repository of recent news, reports, and methodologies applied in contemporary and future cities for sustainability. It discusses urban planning and development, focusing on where sustainable management measures are and should be applied.


The Facebook groups Earthpreneurs and Earthpreneurs Southeast Asia facilitate partnerships and opportunities for youth who focus on establishing and operating startups that are economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. The groups are managed by the non-profit organization Young Sustainable Impact (Global) and Young Sustainable Impact Southeast Asia.

ESG, Sustainability, Clean Energy, Climate Change, and Circular Economy

Engage in discussions with sustainability professionals from around the world to advance green transition. Network with green businesses and enterprises providing environmental services. This LinkedIn community is managed by the Green Transformation and Sustainability Network.

Finance and Fintech in Asia and the Pacific

Discuss the role of financial technology (fintech) in shaping the financial system, as well as inclusive finance, infrastructure finance, and finance sector development. This LinkedIn community is managed by ADB’s Finance Sector Group.

Gender, Agriculture, and Climate Change Research Network

Share and engage in discussions with gender professionals on research about gender, climate change, and agriculture. This LinkedIn group is managed by the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research—Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security's Gender and Social Inclusion Unit. 

Gender and Enterprise Network

The Gender and Enterprise Network (GEN) seeks to contribute significantly to the research base and policy development in the area of gender and entrepreneurship. It supports and encourages collaboration between research scholars, enterprise support providers, policy makers, public agencies, and entrepreneurs. GEN members manage the LinkedIn community.

Global Water Partnership Professional Network

Join a global action network of professionals involved in water resources management and working towards a water secure world. The network provides knowledge and builds capacity to improve water management at all levels: global, regional, national, and local. Staff of the Global Water Partnership are the moderators of this LinkedIn community.

Governance at ADB

This LinkedIn group focuses on seven areas: public expenditure and fiscal management; economic affairs management; public administration; reforms of state-owned enterprises; decentralization; law and the judiciary; and social protection. It is managed by ADB’s Governance Thematic Group.

ICT for Development

Share information and network with members who are interested in how information and communication technology can contribute to development. The administrators of this Facebook group are the ICT4D Collective and UNESCO Chair in ICT4D at Royal Holloway, University of London.

International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP)

The ISSP LinkedIn group seeks to empower sustainability professionals to advance sustainability in organizations and communities around the world. It is managed by ISSP, a leading professional association of sustainability practitioners. ISSP provides members opportunities for capacity building, sharing ideas and resources, and partnering to achieve the SDGs.

International Sustainability Professionals

Connect and interact with professionals working on sustainability issues in every sector. This LinkedIn community discusses sustainable development at regional and international levels, with a particular focus on urban areas, green building, and climate change.

ISLANDS Communities of Practice

The ISLANDS Communities of Practice seek to strengthen stakeholder ownership and engagement on sustainable low and non-chemical development. ISLANDS coordinates activities to ensure community building and information sharing towards action. It supports groups that discuss End-of-Life Vehicles, E-waste, Gender Equality, Mercury, Plastics, and Used Oil. ISLANDS is managed by the Green Growth Knowledge Platform.

LinkedIn Sustainable Development Goals Group

This LinkedIn group provides a space to share information and news on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals with a focus on emerging economies and developing countries. The online community is managed by staff working in various UN agencies and other development partners.

Open Development Mekong Group

Created by Open Development Mekong, this Facebook group facilitates information exchange, knowledge sharing, and discussions on progress towards sustainable development in the Greater Mekong Subregion.

Peace and Sustainability

This Facebook group seeks to raise awareness on sustainability and shares highlights from the Improving Sustainability Concept in Developing Countries (ISCDC) Conference, which presents research on topics such as sustainable architecture, renewable energy, urban planning, and smart infrastructure. The ISCDC Conference is the group moderator.

Resilience and Sustainable Development Team, UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji

Discuss pressing sustainable development issues in the Pacific, including climate change, education, the environment, and renewable energy. The UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji manages this Facebook group.

SDG Help Desk

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Help Desk is a one-stop online service providing access to SDG-related tools, knowledge products, data portals, expertise, advice, and opportunities for peer learning and regional South-South cooperation through thematic areas, covering a multitude of topics.

Southeast Asia Development Solutions (SEADS) Networking Group

The Southeast Asia Development Symposium and its website, the Southeast Asia Development Solutions Knowledge and Innovation Platform—both SEADS—provide insights on new technologies, innovations, and best practices that can help countries in the region address pressing development challenges. The SEADS Networking Group on LinkedIn provides members an opportunity to network and showcase some of these solutions.

The Sustainable Development Goals

Help increase awareness, cooperation, and the pace of attaining the 17 Sustainable Development Goals through this Facebook group managed by Waterpedia

Understanding Risk Community

Join a global community of experts and practitioners interested and active in supporting evidence-informed decisions around disaster and climate risk management. Moderated by the World Bank’s Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, this LinkedIn group provides organizations and individuals engaged in disaster risk management with the opportunity to remain connected before and after the Understanding Risk Forum to share information and coordinate efforts to support resilience-building activities.

Youth for Asia

Young leaders who are passionately working for social impact in Asia and the Pacific are encouraged to join this Facebook group moderated by the ADB Youth Initiative.

Many online communities posted here are moderated by non-ADB experts.
If you’d like to add your online community here, please contact