Overview Wetlands, particularly marshes, are vital ecosystems that contribute significantly to global carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and climate regulation. However, due to overgrazing, drainage, and land use conversion, many wetlands in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have degraded, releasing stored carbon into the atmosphere. To mitigate carbon emissions from wetland degradation, the government has promoted restoration and rehabilitation in critical wetlands in the past decade. The Zequ marshes, located in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, were among those severely affected, with over 92% of marshes degraded by 2015. Taking the Zequ marshes as a case, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 2018 supported the Qinghai wetland authority with a technical assistance to assess carbon mitigation potential of restoration and rehabilitation of wetland ecosystems to contribute to climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation. The technical assistance developed the Methodology for Wetland Restoration (Version 1.0), focusing on three types of project activities (conversion of cropland to marsh, rewetting of drained marsh, and sustainable management of grazing marsh). The goal of developing the methodology was to facilitate potential carbon trading, which is expected to mobilize sustainable financing for the restoration and rehabilitation of wetlands. The methodology was updated (Version 2.0) and submitted in April 2023 for inclusion as a national China Certified Emission Reduction methodology.[1] Since 2016, the Qinghai Province made great efforts of wetlands restoration and rehabilitation to support establishing the Zequ National Wetland Park. This study evaluates the restoration efforts implemented in the Zequ National Wetland Park, focusing on their effectiveness in mitigating carbon emissions, enhancing soil carbon storage, and their social and environmental benefits. Although the full carbon sequestration potential was not realized within the timeframe of the assessment, the restoration efforts provided important lessons in effective management, monitoring, and community engagement. Challenges The Zequ marshes faced environmental and socioeconomic challenges, primarily driven by human actions: Long-term grazing pressure from livestock degraded marsh vegetation, reducing biomass and soil organic carbon density essential for carbon sequestration. Wetlands were drained for grazing, releasing carbon stored in soil, and disrupting the hydrological balance. Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns due to climate change have stressed fragile ecosystems, worsening degradation. The degradation of marshes threatened wildlife dependent on these areas, including migratory birds and native plants. Solutions The Zequ National Wetland Park was established in 2020, following years of preparation that started in 2016. The wetland park’s primary focus was restoring the marshes' ecological integrity, improving carbon sequestration, and enhancing local livelihood. Key measures implemented were: Revegetation. Fencing, grass seeding, and planting were undertaken in degraded areas, including black beaches and mining pits. This helped to restore plant cover and prevent further erosion. Rewetting of drained wetlands. One of the most effective methods for reversing the degradation of marsh ecosystems, it involves raising the water table on previously drained lands. This helps restore the anaerobic conditions of wetland soils that sequester carbon and significantly reduces carbon dioxide emissions from drained soils. Hydrological connectivity. Restoration of natural water flow included removing barriers and building water channels to reconnect wetland areas. Sustainable management of grazing. A ban on grazing in core areas of the park was enforced while grazing intensity in other areas was strictly regulated. Rest grazing and rotational grazing techniques were introduced to optimize grass productivity and reduce soil compaction. Protective facilities were also established, such as boundary markers, boundary piles, fences and warning signs to enhance the intensity of warning. Community engagement. Local pastoralists were trained in sustainable grazing practices, and rangers from local communities were employed to help patrol and protect the park. Public awareness campaigns were launched to inform local communities and the public about the importance of wetland conservation. Public education. Nature education and other information products, including teaching materials, videos, pictures, exhibition boards, and posters, were used to communicate knowledge of wetland functions, biodiversity and wildlife conservation, and wetland culture and enhance the conservation awareness of the pastoralists and the public. Monitoring. A robust monitoring system was established, integrating field videos and cameras with real-time data analysis. Assessment The restoration efforts were assessed using a combination of remote sensing data, degradation level analysis, and soil organic carbon measurements. Remote sensing data. Using moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) enhanced vegetation index datasets, researchers tracked aboveground biomass across 16,381.81 hectares of marshes in the park. Data collected annually from May to September (2006–2023) helped estimate biomass trends and identify areas with significant changes in vegetation cover. This dataset played a critical role in estimating degradation levels, calculating carbon sequestration potential, and evaluating the success of restoration activities. Degradation level analysis. Degradation levels were determined by comparing aboveground biomass from 2006 to 2015 with reference marshes that remained relatively undegraded. Based on biomass trends, areas were categorized as undegraded, slightly degraded, moderately degraded, or severely degraded. This helped pinpoint areas requiring targeted restoration interventions. Soil organic carbon measurement. In July 2023, soil organic carbon content was measured at 50 sampling plots across different degradation categories. Soil cores were taken to a depth of 30 centimeters, and soil organic carbon density was calculated using a combination of soil organic carbon content, bulk density, and depth. The results were used to estimate carbon stock changes due to changes in marsh degradation levels. Equivalent soil mass calculations were made to account for variations in soil bulk density and ensure comparability across different marsh conditions. Outcomes The conservation and restoration activities have led to some positive results, although the overall outcomes were not as significant as initially anticipated. To quantify the restoration’s effectiveness, the methodology for wetland restoration developed with ADB’s support was applied to assess the degradation trend and status of the marshes, improvements with the establishment of the park, and to account for the carbon sequestration potentials and achieved carbon benefits. Wetland condition. By 2023, the area of undegraded marsh increased by 39.3%, while moderately and severely degraded marshes decreased. A total of 9.8% of the marshes showed improvement, and 19.3% of severely degraded marshes moved to a moderately degraded state. However, 85.5% of marsh grasslands remained unchanged, and 4.4% deteriorated further. Carbon sequestration. It was estimated that restoring 15,092 hectares of marsh to an undegraded state could absorb up to three million tons of carbon dioxide over 60 years. From 2016 to 2023, the actual carbon gain was 3,626.5 tCO2 annually—below the expected results due to the limited improvement in degraded marshes. Biodiversity and livelihood benefits. The restoration efforts improved wildlife habitat and increased local awareness of environmental conservation. Sustainable grazing practices also helped improve the livelihoods of local pastoralists. Lessons Learned Policy enforcement is crucial. The lack of full policy enforcement, particularly regarding grazing bans and grazing intensity limits, hindered the complete success of restoration efforts. Implementing stricter enforcement of grazing bans and exploring performance-based incentive systems could help ensure better compliance with conservation policies and encourage sustainable practices. Restoration measures should be tailored to specific needs. Restoration efforts should be tailored to the specific needs of the wetland based on its degradation level. For example, severely degraded areas require more intensive interventions such as revegetation and hydrological restoration while controlled grazing can be implemented in less degraded areas. Regular monitoring is essential. Establishing a robust monitoring system provided valuable insights into the progress of restoration and carbon sequestration, but it could be further enhanced by incorporating more detailed scientific assessments. Adaptive management strategies can be integrated to respond more effectively to changing environmental conditions. Community involvement is a must. Engaging local communities in the restoration process through training, capacity building, and ensuring that they benefit from the project (e.g., ecotourism, sustainable grazing management, carbon credits) is key to the long-term sustainability of conservation initiatives. Climate-resilient strategies should be incorporated in the project. Given the ongoing challenges posed by climate change, there is a need to incorporate climate resilience into restoration strategies. For example, future restoration efforts should consider potential climate variability and its effects on plant growth and wetland hydrology. Promotion of ecotourism and carbon credit markets. Incorporating ecotourism and other ecosystem services into the restoration strategy can provide local communities with sustainable sources of income, encouraging them to prioritize conservation and restoration efforts. This can reduce pressure on the wetlands and support long-term carbon mitigation goals. [1] The PRC initiated the China Certified Emission Reduction (CCER) program in January 2024, enabling companies within specific sectors to trade their carbon reduction credits following their voluntary engagement in emission-reduction initiatives. Initially, the CCER will focus on four sectors: afforestation, solar thermal power, offshore wind power, and mangrove vegetation creation. Companies operating within these sectors can register their accredited carbon reduction credits in the CCER system for trading purposes. These sectors were chosen due to their reliance on carbon credit sales for profitability. Resources T. Hiraishi et al, eds. 2014. 2013 Supplement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Wetlands. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. R. Song et al. 2018. Conservation Outcomes Assessment of Sanjiangyuan Alpine Grassland with MODIS-EVI Approach. Biodiversity Science. 26 (2). pp. 149–157. J. Wendt and S. Hauser. 2013. An Equivalent Soil Mass Procedure for Monitoring Soil Organic Carbon in Multiple Soil Layers. European Journal of Soil Science. 64 (1). pp. 58–65. Asian Development Bank. 2019. Completion Report: People’s Republic of China: Support for Deepening Policy Reform and Capacity Building. Ask the Experts Niu Zhiming Senior Project Officer (Environment), Agriculture, Food, Nature, and Rural Development Sector Office, Sectors Group, Asian Development Bank Niu Zhiming is responsible for managing and implementing projects for the environment, natural resources, and agriculture sectors at ADB People’s Republic of China Resident Mission. He is also the resident mission’s focal for its Global Environment Facility programs as well as biodiversity and climate change. He holds a PhD in watershed management and earned an executive MBA degree from CEIBS in Shanghai. Xiaoquan Zhang Chief Scientist, The Nature Conservancy Xiaoquan Zhang leads The Nature Conservancy PRC teams in science, climate change and field conservations in Yunnan, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, Henan and Beijing. He holds a PhD in ecology and was a research professor and team lead of climate change and forest from 2003 to 2009 in the Chinese Academy of Forestry. Asian Development Bank (ADB) The Asian Development Bank is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. Established in 1966, it is owned by 69 members—49 from the region. Its main instruments for helping its developing member countries are policy dialogue, loans, equity investments, guarantees, grants, and technical assistance. Follow Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Leave your question or comment in the section below: View the discussion thread.