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Building regional regulatory capabilities in Asia and the Pacific requires strong oversight and sustained commitment to strengthening vaccine regulatory systems.
Crowdsourcing can be an effective way to address pain points that limit MSMEs from getting financing.
Enhance legal frameworks, manage funds separately, and clarify liabilities to prevent future crises.
Creating a mortgage refinancing company was critical to building a stable residential housing market.
Modernizing farming methods, establishing greenhouse farms, and improving post-harvest management can mitigate the adverse effects of climate change and enhance food security.
Child-led research in Nepal reveals rising online risks, urging stronger protection, mental health support, and child-friendly digital policies.
Select the most appropriate measurement method—walking, digitization, or parcel corner GPS—based on specific local characteristics.
Within a week of installing environmental nudges, handwashing with soap among students rose to 61% from 15%.
Develop certification frameworks, build sustainable capacity-building systems, and promote knowledge center collaboration.
The creation of a government-initiated disaster risk insurance company would address financial needs in case a major natural hazard hits the country.