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A study examines the feasibility of applying computer vision techniques to satellite data of the Philippines and Thailand to produce poverty maps.
Statisticians use satellite images of Earth’s night lights to measure social and economic activity.
Data products such as the Key Indicators series are crucial to evidence-based policymaking.
Poverty maps derived from satellite images helped target the most vulnerable households in pandemic-affected areas in the Philippines.
There is a need to ensure that senior high school students are able to make optimal choices by providing them access to various senior high school tracks.
Students need not just career guidance but also practical information on the enrollment process and available financial assistance programs.
Digital change poses transformative opportunities, as well as risks, in capturing and interpreting data in support of sustainable development goals.
Leverage machine learning and satellite imagery for informed resource allocation to enhance road quality and address development challenges.
Statisticians turn to digital solutions and nontraditional methods for faster data collection, processing, and dissemination to inform crisis response.
Granular socioeconomic data assists digital nomads make informed decisions about their destinations and helps policymakers address disparities and foster growth.