Soonho Lee
Senior Research Fellow, Banking and Insurance Industry Division, Korea Institute of Finance

Soonho Lee's research areas are economics theory, auction theory, industrial organization, and consumer credit. He obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Economics at Seoul National University, and his PhD in Economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has worked as research assistant at US-based National Bureau of Economic Research.


Under this program, the Republic of Korea will complement the savings of qualified young Koreans.


Promoting responsible lending practices on online peer-to-peer platforms builds market trust and deters the need for further regulation.


In the Republic of Korea, financial firms need to enhance the convenience of mobile services and ensure universal accessibility.


Companies and governments are devising strategies for how to manage the personal information of users of online services.


Reforming the calculation of lending rates could improve delinquent loan collection.