Cyn-Young Park
Director, Regional Cooperation and Integration and Trade Division, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank

During her progressive career within ADB, Cyn-Young Park has been a main author and contributor to the Asian Development Outlook, and participated in various global and regional forums including the G20 Development Working Group, as well as written and lectured extensively about the Asian economy and financial markets. She managed a team of economists to assess the socioeconomic benefits of ADB programs and projects and provide country diagnostic studies for effective ADB support to its developing member countries. Prior to joining ADB, she was an OECD economist.

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Policy Brief

Identify investment opportunities, expedite reforms to improve business environment, support ESG standards, and forge strategic partnerships.


Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on women can help policy makers design gender-sensitive measures as part of their economic recovery plan.


Analysis using a multidimensional index suggests that regional integration boosts growth and reduces poverty, beyond the usual effect of trade openness.

Policy Brief

In the digital economy, central bankers and regulators face the challenge of ensuring consumer safety and financial stability while promoting innovation in the financial sector.

Policy Brief

Asia can gain from the longevity dividend by tapping emerging technologies to promote an age-friendly workplace.

Policy Brief

Pacific island countries need to include climate action in national development plans to lessen the economic costs of climate change.