Ramola Naik Singru
Principal Urban Development Specialist, Water and Urban Development Sector Office, Sectors Group, Asian Development Bank

Ramola Naik Singru supports ADB's urban sector development with a focus on integrated development for Livable Cities. She co-led the preparation of the framework for National Urban Assessments and the Inclusive Cities toolkit under ADB's Urban Operational Plan 2012-2020, and co-led ADB's GrEEEn Cities Initiative in Southeast Asia to develop GrEEEn City Action Plans. Ramola is interested in engaging with people to take ownership for shaping their cities, and exploring the interface between urban development, urban-rural linkages, and regional integration.

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Viet Nam's Vinh Yen City is a model for urban planners and policymakers seeking a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable city.

Policy Brief

Asia's rapid urbanization requires the balanced and holistic development of second-tier cities and towns to release pressure from congested megacities.


Hue City in Viet Nam rolled out an action plan for urban development that targets environmental protection, improved livability, and new economic opportunities.


Systematic and sustainable urban development will help support Georgia’s national strategy for unlocking its full growth potential through urban planning and balanced regional development.


The GrEEEn Cities Initiative brings together policies, strategies, sector plans, regulations, financial incentives, technologies, governance institutions, civil society, and private sector interventions.